Wyoming and the Code of the West

Last March the Wyoming legislature passed senate file 51. This bill, while not a true law as much as it is a suggestion has been both admired and critized. Some say it makes those of us who live in Wyoming look like a bunch of hicks, others say, yes, this is what we are all about.

Here it is - The Code of the West, bill.

Adapted from the book, "Cowboy Ethics," by James P. Owen

-The code includes-

1. Live each day with courage
2. Take pride in your work 3. Always finish what you start
4. Do what has to be done
5. Be tough, but fair
6. When you make a promise, keep it
7. Ride for the brand
8. Talk less, say more
9. Remember that some things are not for sale
10.Know where to draw the line

The Code of the West, alive and Well in Wyoming –click here to watch a great four minutes of Wyoming.



David Cranmer said...

I guess I must be a hick (via Maine) because I live by this code as well.

Terrific video.

Ron Scheer said...

The test of any great truth is whether the opposite is also true. Many of these qualify.

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the video. 'The measure of a man is his character,' I'll try and remember that. Thanks Neil. Happy New Year.

Gary Dobbs/Jack Martin said...

I've printed that out and pinned it on the wall above my desk.

Neil A. Waring said...

Thanks for the comments--I believe the code is alive and well in more places and with more people than we think.