School is out in our little town, and kids are going on summer break. The swimming pool opens a half hour after school is dismissed. I remember more of my last days of schools than first days from when I was a kid. Over the past few years, I have made several posts about the history of Wyoming and schools in our state. Today I thought that I would take a look at a few significant dates in the history of Wyoming schools.
1852 – The first school opened at Fort Laramie, children of officers and traders attended.
1868 – Wyoming Territory was created July 25, 1868, and the first public school opened in Cheyenne.
1873 – New Wyoming school code provided education to all children ages seven to sixteen. At the time, Wyoming had eight public schools and three private schools.
1875 – Cheyenne opens the state’s first public high school.
1886 – The University of Wyoming in Laramie founded with a grant of $50,000 from Legislature.
1890 – Wyoming became a state, and the office of State Superintendent of Schools becomes one of five elected state officials.
1934 – Wyoming boasted over 1,000 rural public schools.
1942 – School opened for interned Japanese children at Heart Mountain, a United States Government Relocation Center, near Powell.