Butch Cassidy is Free

On January 19, 1896, Butch Cassidy was released from prison in Laramie. His release came after serving 18 months of a two-year sentence for horse thieving. Reportedly the horse he was caught with was valued at five dollars.  Looks like the courts really were serious about stealing horses in the old days.
Butch Cassidy
Wyoming Governor William Richards freed and pardoned Cassidy after talking with the outlaw in Laramie. The people of Fremont County were afraid Cassidy, who may have been running an illegal protection racket there, might come back. They convinced the governor that a pardon might keep Cassidy on the up and up.  Governor Richards said that Cassidy, "told me that he’d had enough of Penitentiary life, and intended to conduct himself in such a way as to not again lay himself liable to arrest."
Governor Richards Thought it Sounded Like a Good Deal

Later many locals joked that he may have meant that he intended to become a better criminal and would not get caught again.
Not a Single $5.00 Horse Here

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